In August 2024, a series of impactful cluster-level training programs on communication and effective learning were successfully conducted across four clusters. These sessions aimed to empower women members from various federations with essential skills to enhance their personal and professional interactions.

The training was rolled out as follows:

  • SAMPADA, Udupi: August 6th-7th
  • MSSS, Badravathi: August 7th-8th
  • JVSSS, Mandya: August 8th-9th
  • BDSSS, Dharawada: August 13th-14th

A total of 168 women participated in these sessions, engaging actively in discussions and activities. The training covered crucial aspects of effective communication, including its importance and practical applications. Participants gained valuable insights into why strong communication skills are essential and how they can significantly impact their personal and professional lives.

Group activities were a key component of the program, allowing participants to practice and refine their communication and listening skills in a collaborative environment. Each session concluded with the development of personalized action plans, enabling the participants to apply the learned principles to their everyday interactions and work contexts.

The training sessions not only equipped the participants with actionable skills but also fostered a sense of community and support among women from different federations. 

On August 21, 2024, KROSS held a significant Governing Board meeting, at Resource Centre, KROSS, Bangalore bringing together directors from 14 partner organizations, along with the President Most Rev. Dr. Francis Serrao SJ, Vice President Most Rev. Dr.  Gerald Isaac Lobo, and the Secretary/ Treasurer Rev. Fr. Richard Pais The meeting served as a platform for reviewing progress, discussing strategic initiatives, and fostering collaborative partnerships. The Program Coordinators presented a comprehensive report detailing recent achievements, and future plans. 

The meeting facilitated productive discussions on various aspects of the program’s implementation and strategic direction. Feedback from the directors and KROSS leadership was instrumental in shaping future actions and ensuring alignment with organizational goals.

An Orientation on DSP Formulation was successfully conducted at BMSSS on 19th July 2024, aimed at enriching participants from diverse fields with essential knowledge in the formulation of Diocesan Social Service Society’s Strategic Plan (DSSSSP)

The event garnered participation from 26 enthusiastic individuals representing various professional backgrounds. The session was expertly facilitated by Rev. Fr. Richard Pais, Director, KROSS, and Mr. Varghese, Program Coordinator, who brought their extensive expertise to bear in guiding the participants through the intricacies of DSSSSP formulation.

Fr. Santhosh Royan, Director, BMSSS graced the occasion with his presence and provided invaluable guidance to the team throughout the program. 

The orientation proved to be a significant milestone in equipping the attendees with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively contribute to the formulation and implementation of DSSSSPs in their respective domains. The interactive sessions and discussions facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the key principles and practical aspects of the formulation.

Overall, the event was a resounding success, fostering a spirit of collaboration and learning among participants and ensuring that they are well-prepared to engage meaningfully in development initiatives moving forward.

A two-day workshop on Regional Perspective Planning and Strategic Engagement was successfully conducted at the Regional Resource Centre, KROSS, on August 22nd and 23rd, 2024. The workshop brought together 35 participants from four dioceses across Karnataka, providing a collaborative platform for strategic development.

Fr. Anil Crasta led the workshop with a focus on organizational development, guiding participants through a comprehensive process of regional perspective planning. The sessions were designed to enhance strategic engagement, foster collaborative approaches, and develop actionable plans for organizational growth.

Participants gained valuable insights into effective planning and strategic engagement tailored to regional needs. The workshop encouraged collaboration among diocesan representatives, leading to the formulation of shared strategies and action plans. Clear objectives and actionable steps were outlined to drive organizational development and regional impact.

On 19th July 2024, KROSS hosted an orientation on SaFE (Safeguarding) for the point persons from partner organizations. The event aimed to familiarize participants with safeguarding practices and procedures.

The session commenced with a prayer and welcoming remarks by Rev. Fr. Richard Pais,Director KROSS. Rev. Fr. Vincent D’Souza, Director, CODP, and 12 participants representing 10 partner organizations were in attendance. Ms. Monica Rachel A., Documentation Officer,KROSS, delivered an insightful presentation on the basics and fundamentals of safeguarding.

Mr. Salvadore Pereira, Program Coordinator, SaFE, conducted the next session. His presentation focused on practical aspects and implementation strategies related to safeguarding.

In the afternoon, the Director of KROSS elaborated on KROSS’s safeguarding policy, emphasizing its importance and why it is required.

The day concluded with a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants and facilitatorsfor their active involvement and contributions.

Training on the strengthening of the federations was conducted at three clusters- ODP, Mysore on 9th July 2024, KDDC, Karwar on 11th July 2024 and ORBIT, Humnabad on 16th July 2024 with 98 participants. The training focused on the formation and functioning of federations. Notable speakers Mrs. Laina. V. Lasrado, Program Coordinator, WEP,Mr. Jagadish, Coordinator, SMSSS, Mr. Styanly Fernandes, Coordinator, Sampada, Mr. Harishchandra, Coordinator, KDDC spoke on the key topics such as the roles and norms of SHG’s, the definition and purpose of a federation, and guidelines on how a federation should operate. Participants were also tasked with preparing an action plan to implement the knowledge gained.

The Review Meeting of the Women Empowerment Program was held on the 11th and 12th of June 2024, at KROSS, Bangalore. The first day commenced with a prayer followed by a warm welcome and an insightful introductory talk by Rev. Fr. Richard Pais. Director, KROSS. Rev. Fr. Leo Alex, Director, JVSSS, and Rev. Fr. Rajesh, Assistant Director, BMSSS, were also acknowledged. The day primarily focused on report presentations by 14 DSSS program coordinators, followed by a thorough consolidation of the reports and discussions about the way forward, led by Mrs. Bhagya Mary, Program Coordinator, CMSSS. On the second day, the evaluation of the 1st-year WEP implementation was conducted by Rev. Fr. Richard Pais, Director KROSS, with participants divided into groups for evaluations of gender teams and state women, led by Mrs. Laina Lasrado, Program Coordinator, WEP. Action plans were formulated, and presentations were made by Sr. Nancy Lobo, Program Coordinator WEP, highlighting the commitment to program improvement and development. Concluding remarks and evaluations were delivered by Sr. Nancy, followed by a note of thanks from Mr. Ramesh, Program Coordinator, BMSSS, emphasizing collaboration and shared learning among the participants.

The Capacity building training on Liaisoning and Public Relations was conducted at KROSS on 13 th June 2024. 64 participants from 14 different partner organizations were present. The training proved highly effective in fostering strong rapport with governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, civil society organizations, and similar networking groups. This collaborative effort paved the way for enhanced outcomes, empowering participants with the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for crucial strengthening of partnerships and liaising effectively with various stakeholders. The sessions were conducted by the KROSS team, underscoring essential skills imperative for social workers which enables the participants to work with the issue based network groups at their working area. Through interactive and insightful discussions, participants gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of liaisoning and public relations, equipping them to navigate and excel in their roles within the social service domain.

The online orientation on Safeguarding Standard 1 to the point persons was conducted on 06 th May 2024 at 2 pm with a warm welcome address from the coordinator. Participants, comprising 9 point persons from various partner organizations, engaged in introduction, sharing insights into their roles, and discussing challenges encountered. Following this, Rev. Fr. Richard Pais, Director KROSS, delivered a brief explanation of Standard 1 of the safeguarding policy, laying a solid foundation for further discussions and implementation. The session fostered a collaborative environment, setting the stage for effective safeguarding practices across partner organizations.

Orientation on Safeguarding to the Point persons and WEP field staff An orientation on safeguarding and its measures was conducted for the Safeguarding Point Persons and the WEP Field staffs across four different clusters. The sessions took place on the 03 rd of May at BDDS, Ballari, the 16 th of May at DKRDS, Belthangadi & BMSSS, Bangalore, and the 17 th of May at SMSSS, Shivamogga. These orientations aimed to equip the women participants and the point persons with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure safety and protections of vulnerable groups in the respective clusters. The training sessions were well received, fostering a deeper understanding of safeguarding principles and practices among the participants.

A cluster level training on climate change was held at SMSSS, Shivamogga on the 16 th and 17 th of May 2024. The training saw the participants of 33 women from four different partner organizations. The training began with a prayer. Rev. Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto, Director, SMSSS gave the introductory speech. The keynote speaker, Mr. B.N. Kumaraswamy, an Environment activist, conducted highly interactive sessions on various topics related to climate change. His discussions covered the causes and impacts of climate change. The interactive nature of his sessions encouraged active participation and fostered a deeper understanding of the issues among the women participants. On the second day, participants were divided into groups and tasked with preparing action plans to address climate change in their federations. The training concluded with a vote of thanks.

Two days training program on climate change at cluster level was organized on 15 th and 16 th May 2024 at DKRDS Belthangadi. 42 women participants from 3 different clusters- CODP Mangalore, Kids Puttur and Sampada Udupi were a part of the training. The training commenced with a prayer followed by a welcome address by Rev. Fr. Binoy AJ, Director DKRDS. Interactive sessions by Mr. Bhuvan, and Mr. Ganesh, Environment Protection Officers of Vana Charitable Trust Mangalore discussed topics such as plastic pollution, climate change impacts, waste management and the importance of planting the trees. On the second day participants were asked to prepare an action plan and the training concluded with a vote of thanks.

33 participants from 4 clusters (BMSSS, ODP, JVSSS & CMSSS) participated. The training aimed to educate women participants about the importance of climate change. The day commenced with a Prayer followed by an introductory session by Rev. Fr. Sathosh Royan, Director BMSSS laying the groundwork for the training. The keynote speaker Mrs. Charlet, then took the floor and delivered an insightful briefing on climate change. The speaker emphasized the critical importance of understanding climate and its changes discussing the impacts on various aspects of life and the environment.

On the second day the participants were divided into two groups. Each group was assigned a topic on Pesticides , Fertilizers and Health aspects to debate. The interactive session encouraged discussions and allowed the participants to delve deeper into subject and matter exploring different perspectives and solutions.

The training concluded with the formulation of an action plan, where participants outlined concrete steps to address climate change issues in their respective clusters. The training concluded with the vote of thanks.

A cluster-level training on climate change was convened at BDDS Ballari on 2 nd & 3 rd May 2024. 40 participants from 3 different partner organisations were present. The training commenced with a solemn Prayer followed by the lighting of the lamp by Rev. Fr. Yagappa, Director BDDS, Ballari, Mrs. Laina V Lasrado, Program Coordinator- WEP and women representatives from three clusters. Mr. K Anand, the keynote speaker, provided an insightful introduction to climate change, elucidating its profound impact on the environment. Later in the day, participants engaged in group activities focusing on enacting scenarios related to climate change, fostering interactive learning and practical understanding. The second day featured a session dedicated to safeguarding, specifically for women participants by Rev. Fr. Richard Pais. Director, KROSS. Action plans addressing climate change were collaboratively devised, marking a proactive step towards mitigating its effects. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks, reflecting on the collective commitment towards environmental stewardship and resilience-building efforts.

On April 30, 2024, a review meeting for the SAMRUDI rural upliftment foundation program was held, attended by seven representatives from partner organizations. The meeting commenced with a prayer, setting a tone of reflection and collaboration. Mr. Harish, KDDC initiated introduction, providing context and framing the objectives of the gathering. Following this, Sr. Mary Thomas, BDSSS extended a warm welcome. The Director KROSS Rev. Fr. Richard Pais then addressed the gathering, highlighting the program’s achievements, challenges, and future directions, inspiring all present with a vision for sustained impact.

A pivotal segment of the meeting involved the presentation of Samrudi reports by participating members, fostering transparency, and sharing insights into project progress and outcomes. The exchange of experiences and best practices enriched the discourse, enhancing mutual learning and collaboration.

In the afternoon session, Mr. Sathyam conducted a practical session on navigating the online application process, empowering participants with essential digital skills to streamline procedures and access resources efficiently. Subsequently, the Program Coordinator Mr. Chinnappa provided crucial guidance on loan repayment procedures, ensuring clarity and compliance among the participants. The meeting concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks.

The KROSS WEP Program coordinators Sr. Nancy Lobo and Mrs. Laina. V Lasrado conducted a monitoring field visit to SAMPADA, Udupi on 18 th and 19 th April 2024. They interacted with 3 SHG’s, 4 GRF’s, 1 TLF and 4 women engaged in Income generation program for economic development. The Director, field coordinator and animators supported them in the two days’ visit.

On 06th April 2024, the Kross staff engaged with one of the partner organizations CODP at Thalapady, Mangalore, for a dynamic interaction. 40 women from SHGs participated, marking a significant stride in the Women Empowerment Project. The team had an opportunity to interact with the women in the field, this engagement provided valuable insights into the challenges faced by the women and highlighted the importance of providing targeted support and resources.

In the afternoon, the KROSS team participated in an interactive session with another partner organization at the Kaup Farmers Producer Co. Ltd, SAMPADA Udupi, exchanging knowledge and experiences on organic farming practices. The session enriched the team’s understanding of best practices, market dynamics, and opportunities in the organic farming production. Overall, the field visit was instrumental in deepening KROSS staff’s understanding of grassroots-level challenges and opportunities in organic production, paving the way for future initiatives aimed at empowering SHG women in the state.

The capacity-building workshop for MPOs in India towards establishing a safe environment for vulnerable groups in India against sexual abuse and exploitation was held over three days starting from 03rd April to 05th April 2024 at Yashda, Pune aimed at enhancing participants understanding and implementation of safeguarding measures within the respective organizations. The workshop gathered 40 participants from diverse organizations across the country.

On day 1 the workshop commenced with a prayer, setting a harmonious tone for the proceedings. Following this, introductions were made, fostering networking among the participants. The day’s sessions included a comprehensive exploration of the contextual and legal frameworks surrounding safeguarding. Expert speakers Mrs. Naina and Dr. Malathi from the Karl Kubel Foundation for Child and Family, Coimbatore led discussions on the scope of learning and understanding the cultural nuances inherent in safeguarding practices.

The second day focused on raising awareness and sensitizing participants to the intricacies of safeguarding. Group activities facilitated deeper engagement, with participants divided into teams to explore various aspects such as mapping and tracking vulnerabilities and conducting risk assessments. Speakers Dr. Malathi and Dr. Pranami provided valuable insights and guidance throughout the sessions.

On the final day, participants were tasked with analyzing a case study, applying the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the workshop. Group discussions centred on programming safeguarding measures tailored to the specific needs of the organizations. These discussions culminated in the development of actionable plans by each organization, with continued support and guidance from experts.

The workshop concluded with a reflection on the collective progress made and identified the way forward for continuous improvement in safeguarding efforts. A vote of thanks was extended to all participants, facilitators, and organizers for their contributions towards making the workshop a success.

Overall, the workshop served as a platform for fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and equipping MPOs with the necessary tools to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved in their projects, with invaluable input and expertise provided by the speakers.

The inauguration of the State Level Women Federation, held at KROSS on 26th March 2024, marked a momentous occasion in the women empowerment program. The day commenced with a solemn prayer. A video presentation titled “The Journey of MAANINI” encapsulated the struggles and triumphs of women. Mr. Jagadish WEP coordinator, SMSSS delivered a stirring introduction and welcomed the gathering. Dignitaries graced the occasion with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp and inauguration, symbolizing the enlightenment and progress envisioned by the federation. Mrs. Shanthi Kumari, federation Secretary read the resolution. The unveiling of the MAANINI’s logo further cemented its identity and purpose. Rev. Fr. Shanthraj, Director CMSSS administered the oath, invoking a sense of duty and responsibility among the members.

Esteemed speakers, including Rev. Fr. Anil Prasad, KRPPC Coordinator, Rev. Fr. Peter Ashirvadappa, Director, BDSSS guest speaker Mrs. Brinda Adige and Rev. Fr. Richard Pais, Director, KROSS delivered impassioned speeches, inspiring the participants with their vision for a more inclusive society. The program culminated with the opening speech by the President Mrs. Manjula John outlining the federation’s strategic priorities, and a vote of thanks by the vice-president Mrs. Sunitha expressing gratitude to all for their support.

In the afternoon session, Dr. Isabella Xavier shed light on the importance of issue-based networking between women federations, emphasizing collaboration as a catalyst for change. The session concluded with a vote of thanks, acknowledging Dr. Isabella Xavier’s invaluable insights. Roles and responsibilities of office bearers were delineated, laying the groundwork for effective governance. Action plans were devised. The day ended on a note of optimism, with a final vote of thanks, underscoring the spirit of solidarity and determination pervading the federation.


Gender training program was successfully conducted at CMSSS Hassan on 18 th March 2024, led by resource person Sr. Nancy Lobo. The event saw active participation from 38 women. This program was designed to foster greater understanding and awareness of gender issues, aiming to promote equality and inclusivity. Sr. Nancy, with her expertise, provided comprehensive insights into gender concepts and encouraged open discussions among the participants. The training marked a significant step towards sensitizing the group on gender- related matters, empowering participants with knowledge and skills to advocate for gender equality in their respective spheres.

The gender training program was conducted at DKRDS, Belthangady on 20 th March 2024. The program was a significant step forward in promoting gender equality and awareness within the federations. Facilitated by the esteemed resource person, Sr. Nancy Lobo, the program saw the participation of 39 women participants who engaged in comprehensive discussions and activities aimed at understanding gender roles, stereotypes, and the importance of inclusivity. The training provided a platform for open dialogue, enabling participants to explore the complexities of gender biases and how they influence personal and professional environments. Sr. Nancy&’s expertise and dynamic approach to addressing sensitive topics played a vital role in the success of the session, fostering an atmosphere of learning and empathy among the women participants.

An action plan was collaboratively developed during the session, outlining concrete steps for the participants to implement the insights gained into their daily lives and workspaces. This plan aims to promote gender sensitivity and encourage practices that support gender equality.

The gender training session held in CODP, Mangalore on 19 th March 2024 marked a significant stride towards fostering gender inclusivity and understanding. Sr. Nancy Lobo was the resource person, the training engaged 39 women participants in a series enlightening group discussions surrounding gender norms and biases. The diversity of the participants enriched exploration of gender issues.

Through Sr. Nancy’s expert guidance, the participants delved into the themes such as gender identity, societal expectations, and the importance of creating inclusive environments. The interactive nature of the group discussions not only facilitated a deeper understanding of these topics but also enabled attendees to share personal experiences and insights, thereby fostering a collective learning atmosphere. The program concluded with participants expressing a renewed commitment to advocating for gender equality in their personal and professional spheres, underlining the session’s impactful and transformative nature.

On 26 th January 2024, Gender training was conducted at BMSSS, Mulabagilu. 22 participants from different SHG groups were present. The program started at 11 am with a prayer song by the BMSSS core team followed by lighting of the lamp by Sr. Nancy Lobo, Program Coordinator WEP, Sr. Rosaline, Program Coordinator, BMSSS and one-member representative from the SHG. There was an introduction by Sr. Rosaline. Sr. Nancy was the speaker, during her session, Sr. provided an overview of gender differences, emphasizing the complexity and diversity with gender identities.

Participants were divided into three groups, engaging in an exercise to identify and discuss the perceived characteristics associated with males and females. This activity sparked insightful discussions, highlighting the importance of understanding and respecting gender diversity in various contexts. The program concluded with a vote of thanks.

The Governing Board Meeting took place on February 22nd, 2024, at KROSS, bringing together its 14 partners under the president ship of Most Rev. Dr. Francis Serrao SJ, the meeting was attended by 14 directors representing 14 Diocesan Social Service Societies (DSSSs). The meeting commenced with the reading of the minutes of the previous Governing Board Meeting by Fr. Richard Pais Director-KROSS.

The program coordinators presented the report of the ongoing projects from November 2023 to January 2024. On various results, there were valuable discussions made.

On 23 rd February 2024 an online meeting was conducted for the point persons of SaFE. 11 point persons from different partner organizations were present. The primary objective of this online orientation was to equip the point persons with the necessary knowledge and tools to understand, identify, and act on safeguarding concerns within our organization.

The point persons were educated on the Specific duties in the safeguarding process. Identifying types of abuse and neglect, and understanding the indicators, steps to take when a safeguarding concern is identified, including documentation and escalation.

The online orientation successfully met its objective of empowering point persons with the knowledge and skills required for safeguarding. Continuous learning and support will be provided to ensure they remain effective in their roles. Future sessions will incorporate the feedback received to enhance the learning experience further.

A review meeting of Women Empowerment Programme was held on February 19 th and 20 th , 2024 at Resource cum training Centre, KROSS, Bangalore. There were 41 participants from 14 Diocesan Social Service Societies (DSSS). On 19.02.2024, the programme began at 9:30 AM with a prayer led by staff of CMSSS & BMSSS. Ms. Kousalya, the coordinator from JVSSS Mandya, extended a warm welcome to the Director KROSS, Fr. Richard Pais, KROSS WEP Coordinator Sr. Nancy Lobo, Mrs. Laina Lasrado, KROSS team and all the participants of WEP from the 14 DSSSs.

Fr. Richard Pais, the Director of KROSS addressed the gathering. In his introductory speech, he briefed on Victim Psychology, discussing its impact on the WEP programme. He motivated the participants with live examples, provided valuable suggestions and guidance to all participants for achieving the results of the project. Followed by, the 14 DSSSs presented the report for the past five months. After each presentation, participants were provided with an opportunity to clarify their doubts. A feedback was provided to them after each session.

on the 20 th February 2024, session began with a prayer led by staff from DKRDS & CODP, followed by a welcome address from Mrs. Nirmala, the Coordinator from ORBIT Humnabad. The group reviewed the reports from the presentation of the previous day. Followed by Sr. Nancy Lobo and Mrs. Laina Lasrado, Program Coordinators, facilitated the group work focused on cluster level and DSSS level trainings, as an evaluation session.

In the afternoon, all 14 DSSS were instructed to prepare an action plan for the next five months. Each DSSS coordinator then presented their plan, based on the feedback provided to them during the session. The program concluded with a vote of thanks, marking the end of a productive two-days review meeting.

On 9 th February 2024 Gender Training was conducted at SMSSS, Shimoga. 50 participants from 14 partner organizations were present. The initiative aimed to promote gender sensitivity and equality within the electoral process of a prominent federation. It encompassed a series of gender training sessions designed for the participants, culminating in the federation. The program started at 10:00 am with the prayer song by MSSS, Bhadravathi team followed by an introduction by Rev. Fr. Richard Pais, Director KROSS. Rev. Fr. Clifford Roshan Pinto, Director SMSSS and Rev. Fr. Dr. Abraham Areeparambil. Director MSSS addressed the gathering on the gender based issues. The training program began with the lighting of the lamp by Most Rev. Dr. Francis Serrao SJ, President, KROOSS and other dignitaries along with few Women representatives from partner organizations.

The primary objectives of the initiative were to enhance awareness of gender issues among all the participants and to increase the representation of underrepresented genders within the federation.

A series of gender trainings were conducted for the participants by Most Rev. Dr. Francis Serrao SJ, President KROSS. The sessions covered topics such as gender sensitivity, unconscious bias, and the importance of diverse representation in leadership. The training employed a mix of presentations and interactive sessions.

To assess the impact of the gender training, a monitoring and evaluation framework was implemented. Participants reported a significant increase in their understanding of gender issues and expressed a commitment to incorporating gender sensitivity within their federation. The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Stanley Coordinator, SAMPADA

On 8 th February 2024, an internal level gender training was conducted at MSSS, Bhadravathi and SMSSS, Shimoga aiming the participants to raise awareness about gender issues and biases. The internal level training was conducted to promote an understanding and respect for all gender identities and to equip staff with the tools to create an inclusive environment for everyone, irrespective of their gender.

Sr. Nancy Lobo was the speaker for the program. Sr. Nancy presented on the concepts of gender identity, expression, and the importance of inclusivity in the workplace.

Participants gained a deeper understanding of gender diversity and the spectrum of gender identity. Strategies were shared for addressing and preventing gender-based discrimination and harassment.

The training received positive feedback, with participants expressing increased confidence in their ability to contribute to a more inclusive workplace.

On January 31, 2024, an essential online meeting was convened focusing on the Partner Safeguarding Capacity Assessment by Br. Anil Sebastian, Program Coordinator SAFE, the online meeting specifically aimed at evaluating an existing policy of the DSSSs, following up on the safeguarding rollout plans. The gathering was divided into two groups, the first group with 6 point persons from CODP, CMSSS, JVSSS, MSSS, ODP and DKRDS, and the second group with 5 point persons from KDDC, BMSSS, ORBIT, BDSSS and BDDS. The meeting successfully brought together on the progress, challenges, and future steps necessary for enhancing safeguarding capacities. The session served as a critical checkpoint to assess the effectiveness of implemented safeguarding strategies and to ensure that DSSSs are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to uphold the highest safeguarding standards.

The meeting underscored the importance of a collaborative approach in addressing safeguarding issues. Participants engaged in productive discussions, sharing insights in implementing safeguarding measures.

The online meeting on the Introduction to Safeguarding Policy was successfully held on the 15th of January 2024 at KROSS. The session brought together point persons from 14 partner organizations to discuss the critical aspects of safeguarding policies, their importance, and implementation strategies within their operational contexts.

The session opened with a welcome speech by Ms. Monica Rachel A, Documentation Officer, KROSS. A comprehensive presentation was delivered by Br Anil Sebastian, Program Coordinator SAFE covering the basics of safeguarding policies, including definitions, key principles, and legal frameworks. It provided insights into creating a safe environment for employees, volunteers, and beneficiaries.

Participants were divided into breakout rooms to discuss real-life case studies. This interactive session highlighted common safeguarding challenges and practical solutions, facilitating a deeper understanding of the policy’s application.

Mr. Varghese, Program Coordinator shared strategies for effectively implementing safeguarding policies, including staff training, risk assessment, and reporting mechanisms.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Nimmi Johnson, Point Person, JVSSS. Participants gained a foundational understanding of safeguarding policies and their critical role within organizations.

On 11th and 12th of January 2024, BDSSS, Dharwada hosted a comprehensive Conflict Management Training program, providing the women participants with essential skills to address and resolve conflicts. The training was attended by the members of the women federation and a few staff members from four different partner organizations. The training aimed to enhance communication, promote understanding, and contribute to a healthier team dynamic.

The training commenced with a prayer led by Sr Mary Thomas followed by welcome address by the BDSSS Animator Mr Rajendra Chikkodi.

It was then inaugurated with the lighting of the lamp and an introductory speech by Mrs Laina Lasrado, Program Coordinator WEP. The sessions began with an exploration of the various types and sources of conflicts commonly encountered in the workplace followed by a stress management and mental health by Mr Ananaharamu BG and Mr Ashoka Kori

Participants gained insights into recognizing early signs of conflicts and understanding their underlying causes.

On the second day, participants engaged in group activities that simulated real-world conflict scenarios, promoting teamwork and shared problem-solving approaches followed by an action plan

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, indicating a high level of engagement and satisfaction with the training content. Many expressed newfound confidences in their ability to manage conflicts constructively, citing specific techniques learned during the session.

Conflict is an inevitable aspect of any workplace, often arising from differences in opinions, values, or goals among individuals or groups. To foster a harmonious work environment, a cluster level training on Conflict Management was conducted at SAMPADA, Udupi on 11th and 12th of January 2024. The training was attended by the staff and members of the women federation from four different partner organizations.

The primary goal of the conflict management training was to equip the participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify, address, and resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. The training aimed to enhance communication, promote understanding, and contribute to a healthier workplace culture.

The training commenced with a prayer led by the SAMPADA Federation member. It was then inaugurated with the lighting of the lamp by Rev Fr Reginald Pinto, Executive trustee SAMPADA, along with the coordinators from our partner organization.

In his inaugural message, the Executive Trustee of SAMPADA expressed heartfelt appreciation to all the federation members and wholeheartedly congratulated the participants for actively participating in the training. He further encouraged the participants to seize the opportunity and make maximum use of the workshop.

The training sessions employed a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, case studies, and role-playing exercises by renowned experts like Rev Fr Richard Pais, Director KROSS, Adv Sowmya Poojary and Adv Maria Kothwal. Real-world scenarios were presented to participants, allowing them to practice conflict resolution techniques in a controlled environment.

On the second day group activities were conducted encouraging he participants in collaboration, and feedback was provided to enhance individual skills.

Participants reported increased awareness of their own conflict management styles and a better understanding of how to navigate conflicts with colleagues. The training fostered a more open and communicative atmosphere within teams.

The training session successfully equipped the participants with valuable skills, promoting a culture of effective communication and constructive conflict resolution. Continued efforts to reinforce these skills will contribute to a healthier and more productive work environment.

Cluster level Training on the Constitutional Rights was conducted at JVSSS,Mandya on 23rd and 24th of November 2023. 40 participants from various DSSS attended the training. The primary goal of the training program is to equip SHG women with knowledge about their constitutional rights, ensuring they are aware of the legal framework that safeguards their fundamental freedoms. The training covers various aspects, including but not limited to Equality and Non-Discrimination, Right to Livelihood, Right to Education, Legal Awareness

The program, designed to enhance awareness and application of constitutional rights and how it’s being implemented among women, covers key areas such as equality, livelihood, education, and health. Conducted through workshops and interactive sessions by experts, the training has not only increased awareness but has also led to tangible empowerment, fostering confident and informed decision-making among participating women. An action plan was made by different groups. Despite challenges, the initiative has demonstrated positive impacts, contributing to community development through the empowerment of women who, in turn play pivotal roles in uplifting their families and their groups.

This report provides an overview and evaluation of the Constitutional Rights Training Program conducted on 20 th and 21 st November 2023 at ORBIT, Kalaburgi. The program aimed to educate participants on fundamental constitutional rights, their significance in a democratic society, and ways to advocate for and uphold these rights.

The program commenced with a prayer and a formal inauguration by Rev Fr Victor Anil Vas, Director ORBIT. The primary goal was to enhance participants’ understanding of constitutional rights, ensuring they have a comprehensive knowledge of the rights and freedoms protected by the constitution. The program sought to empower participants to become advocates for constitutional rights within their communities, and broader society. A key objective was to improve participants’ legal literacy, enabling them to navigate and understand legal frameworks related to constitutional rights. The day began with an overview of the constitutional framework and the specific rights protected, understanding the historical development of constitutional rights, landmark legal cases, and their impact on shaping contemporary legal landscapes, training sessions on effective advocacy techniques The training program employed a combination of lectures, interactive workshops, case studies, group discussions, and guest lectures from legal experts. Participants were encouraged to actively engage in discussions, share perspectives, and apply their learning through practical exercises.

Participants demonstrated a significant increase in their understanding of constitutional rights, as evidenced by pre- and post-training assessments. Attendees reported improved skills in advocating for constitutional rights, both in formal settings and within their respective communities. Several participants-initiated awareness campaigns, workshops, and discussions within their groups to disseminate knowledge about constitutional rights. The training program provided a platform for participants to connect with like-minded individuals, creating a network of advocates committed to promoting constitutional rights

The Regional Directors meet on Safeguarding and Perspective Planning was conducted by Caritas India on 15 th and 16 th November 2023 at Delhi. 24 participants from 13 different regions were present.

Rev Fr Richard Pais, Director KROSS and Br Anil Sebastian represented KROSS Bangalore.

The day began with a prayer by Ms. Catherine, Program Associate, RFAP the participants were warmly welcomed by Fr Jolly Puthenpura, Asst Executive Director, Caritas India. The welcome address highlighted the significance of the regional fora and the collective efforts aimed at fostering regional development. A key component of the orientation was a message from the leadership, delivered by Mr Senthil CRS CEO, this message emphasized the organization’s commitment to supporting regional initiatives and the value of collaboration in achieving common goals and also preparing the safeguarding policy and rolling out the same to the DSSSs. A comprehensive overview of the program was provided, outlining its objectives, structure, and expected outcomes. Participants gained insights into the various components of the program, including workshops, networking sessions, and collaborative projects. The orientation clarified the role of each participant in contributing to the success of the program. A significant portion of the presentation was dedicated to showcasing success stories resulting from effective regional perspective planning.

On the second day case studies and examples were presented to highlight tangible outcomes, positive impacts on communities, and how strategic planning contributed to the success of these initiatives. The success stories served as inspiration for participants and demonstrated the real-world benefits of thoughtful regional planning. To promote engagement and interaction, a group exercise was conducted. Participants were divided into small groups, each tasked with discussing and brainstorming ideas related to regional development.

The orientation program concluded with a brief summary and a call to action on safeguarding policy and the participants were encouraged to actively participate, contribute their unique insights, and build meaningful connections with their peers throughout the RFAP.

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